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See how some of AIC member countries celebrated ICD.

Dear Colleagues!

On the 21st March, the International Colour Association members in general, postponed their celebrations that required physical presence.
The exceptional case came from Croatia, where CROCOS celebrated for the 2nd time the 21st March jointly with The International Exhibition of Digital Imprints.  Works by 67 artists from 15 countries were set up on the fences of 'Nikola Tesla Technical Museum i Zagreb' to become visible to passing vehicles!

Switzerland and Russia celebrated the 21 March with the announcement of the publication of Color Culture and Science Journal, Vol. 12, no. 1, (2020). This CCSJ special issue gathers together a selection of extended papers presented at the First Russian Congress on Color (FRCC2019) in Smolensk.

In July, President Vien Cheung sent out the following announcement:
'No doubt it has been a challenging year and a number of ICD events understandably had to be postponed. We do also note, for example, the Colour Group (Great Britain) has posted a collage of rainbow drawings on their website to echo the spread hope message across the country. Colour is always with us. If you had (or will have) an opportunity to host any ICD events or you come across any colour stories like CG(GB)'s please share with us (email to We will keep our ICD 2020 webpage space open for your news.'

Unfortunately, social distancing is still a measure adopted to minimize spreading the pandemic, and for that reason meetings have taken place online, such as in the case of AIC 2020 organized by 'Centre Français de la Couleur'. 

If you are planning an online event before the end of this year, do send photos and a description for the ICD webpage.

Either way, and due to general instability, it is worth planning ahead ICD 2021 celebrations as non-presential, which might include a seminar, a book launch, or a simple gathering of colleagues that share the same interest : COLOUR!


“The Colors of Your Sky”: March 21, Argentina

March 21, 2020 found us in a very particular situation in Argentina and throughout the world. We had to stay home on quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context of social distancing, there was something that surpassed that distancing and united us: seeing the same sky.

That is why, for the ICD 2020 Call of the AIC, the GAC presented the open collective project called "The colors of your sky" which is based on the intention of recognizing ourselves in our diversity through a series of photos that combine variety of COLORS of the SKY, the multiplicity of situations that surround us and the plurality of views on that sky, through a game between sun, moon, atmosphere, clouds, effects, observers, environment, space, color and cesía, and celebrate, through color, humanity, art, science and technology.

For this project, all those interested in color were invited to participate for free, in the autumn or spring equinox depending on the hemisphere, taking photos of the sky that they saw from where they were. The photographs that we received from different cities in Argentina, and from countries such as Colombia and France, were published on the site created for this purpose, on Facebook and instagram of the GAC, and by networks in general with the following hashtags




The Croatian Color Society, CroCoS, in co-organization with the University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Graphic Arts and the Academy of Fine Artshas prepared a rich program to mark International Colour day 2020, which is traditionally celebrated on the first day of spring, March 21

The eventful all-day program, entitled "SPECTRUM", was supposed to be held at the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum. We have prepared for you a scientific and professional symposium, an exhibition thematically dedicated to color, workshops for children and adults, and International Exhibition of Digital Prints.

In the shadow of the current high-risk situation and circumstances caused by the COVID-19 virus pandemic, we had to give up organized activities, but International Exhibition of Digital Prints ZAGREB FULL COLOR 20 can be viewed on the wire fence of the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla in Zagreb from 21st of March at 12:00 till 26th of April 2020.

The virtual space is as infinite as the color space contained in the circle, therefore, with the poem N. Kalyani, chanted on the occasion of International Color Day 2019, showing the part of the exhibition that was to be held this year, an invitation to see the Zagreb Full Color 20 exhibition on the fence of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum and a song bursting with the joy of colours De Colores, through our web site we send you joy of colors and wish you all a HAPPY INTERNATIONAL COLOUR DAY.


The colours of the spectrum vibrant,
A harmony splendid and brilliant,

Blending and merging in White,
Or in colours of dispersing light.

Colours reflected in relief and landscape,

And in rainbows and vistas of the skyscape.

Colours of flowers in springtime blooming,

Sharing their perfumes with the breeze wafting.

Nature's life forms in shades and hues varied,

As life's expression of Divinity carried,
Of colours a celebration,
Of life a grand integration.
Colours of love, joy and peace in unity,
Of the Heart's feelings in real purity.

N. Kalyani, March 2019.


Celebrating Colour during the Pandemic Lockdown: Britain 2020

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, the Colour Group (GB) could not celebrate International Colour Day 2020. Nevertheless paradoxically, the lockdown period became a time of celebrating colour across in the land of Newton. The ‘Chase the Rainbow’ campaign was instigated on Facebook. The entire nation, from children to local and national artists, engaged in the creation of millions of rainbows. The campaign encouraged people to display pictures of rainbows in their windows. Children were to go rainbow spotting whilst out for walks. For everybody these pictures became beacons of hope for better, brighter times ahead, a token of kindness and solidarity and a way of charitable giving.

Here are some of those rainbows from across the country that appeared in the public domain and lifted up the spirit of the nation:

From left to right:
Top row: Worthington, West Sussex; City of Nottingham; Minehead, Somerset; City of Bristol;
Bottom row: Bath, East Somerset; Gloucestershire; Damian Hirst, Butterfly Rainbow; Damian Nicolson (local artist), Burnham-on-sea, Somerset; Quentin Blake.


The month of March 2020 in Italy coincided with a period of lockdown and remote lessons. However, students of Professors Renata Pompas and Lia Luzzato- who are teaching in 4 Academies- wanted to join the International Colour Day with some proposals. Thus was born the project of the "Cake" with the colours of the Italian flag. The cake is a symbol of celebration: its circular shape is a symbol of union, and its colours are the symbol of Italy. Thus symbolizes the hope that the union of citizens will soon defeat the sadness of the pandemic


The second celebration of the ‘International Colour Day’ in Japan was held online on March 20th, 2020. At the beginning, it was planned as a half-day face-to-face event, in which two separate programs were going to be run; 1) SDGs and colors and 2) colors in ancient era of Japan. However, due to COVID-19 situation getting worse, we decided to change it into an online event and carry out the second program only. (The first program, SDGs and colors, was postponed until next year.)

On that day, Professor Kazuo Jo, Kyoritsu Women’s Educational Institution, presented a special talk entitled ‘Manyo-shu and colors at the time.’ ‘Manyo-shu’ is the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry edited in 8th century. In this 90-minute talk, Professor Jo explained the characteristics of many colors and the origin of each color name, including very old and traditional ones, appeared in the poetry. He also mentioned ‘Korozen’ (means ‘dyeing by a Japanese wax tree’), the forbidden color only the emperor is permitted to wear. It was because Japan's new emperor Naruhito has ascended 10 months ago and Japanese citizens were familiar with that color. At the end of the talk, Professor Jo summarized four points of the colors in the ‘Manyo’ era; 1) smelling colors, 2) adoration of plum blossoms, 3) reverence for white, and 4) changing colors. Seventy participants fully enjoyed a ‘color time travel’ through the screen.



On December 12, APCor was able to celebrate the International Colour Day, making it a special event. We gathered again around colour and poetry, joining the research cluster P’ARTE / Theleme / CEC - Centre for Comparative Studies, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, in the organization of the event, and launching the first publication of P’ARTE: recolhas poéticas (P’ARTE: poetic collections). The event occurred in a Zoom room, in the presence of about 30 people.

We went back to, mentally and through images, walking the path that led us to the publication: the shared motivations by P’ARTE and APCor, the warmth of the Poetry and Colour reading meeting at O’Malta bar in Lisbon in 2019, the enthusiasm that triggered the collection of unpublished poems to compile them in an object of careful aesthetics, in relation to colour and words, contrary to the golden ephemerality of the 2019 event.

The launch and moderation was conducted by Verónica Conte (editor, researcher at CIAUD-FAUL and CEC-FLUL), inviting to speak, before opening the dialogue to those present, Cristiana Vasconcelos Rodrigues (Professor of Literature and Literary Studies in Universidade Aberta, researcher CEC-FLUL), Maria João Durão (author, Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, coordinator of the Colour Laboratory and the Colour and Light Research group, researcher in the field of colour in terrestrial and aerospace architecture), and Júlio Martin Fonseca (author, Professor at Universidade Aberta, researcher at CLEPUL – FLUL and Artistic Director of the Academic Theater at the University of Lisbon). We were able to observe the publication’s graphic path in a presentation by Joana Perry (graphic coordination, researcher at CIAUD/FA-UL), and we ended the moment with a toast to this much needed and urgent celebration of colour and poetry. 

As our associate and author João Brehm wrote in a chat comment, on the event: “in a world with such a crucial changing, the importance of colour and poetry are essential to save us as human beings”

Online publication is available at:

Presentation is available at:




Colours of My Home

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were forced to spend most of the year 2020 (including the spring) in isolation in a safe shelter of our homes. Nevertheless,  colours are always present around us. The Slovenian Society for Colours (Slovensko združenje za barve) and the students of Graphic and Interactive Communications at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering celebrated the International Colour Day 2020 by preparing a series of photos under the title “Colours of my home”. Visit our website for more details


FRCC2019 Special Issue of Color Culture and Science Journal, Vol. 12, no. 1, (2020)


AIC Study Group on Environmental Colour Design (SG ECD)   

In times of social distancing policies, lockdown, self-isolation, and quarantine to fight the Covid-19 pandemic we celebrate 21 March International Colour Day with the announcement of the publication of Color Culture and Science Journal, Vol. 12, no. 1, (2020). This CCSJ special issue gathers together a selection of extended papers presented at the First Russian Congress on Color (FRCC2019) in Smolensk. We warmly thank Editor-in-Chief Prof. Maurizio Rossi and his editorial staff for giving us the opportunity to publish this special issue. We also express our gratitude to the authors and reviewers for their contributions.

Verena M. Schindler, Yulia A. Griber, pp. 01-08.


    • Three colour design proposals for the Market Square in Warsaw – Karolina Białobłocka, pp. 9-17; 
    • Color as a sign of urban transition in the city of Bordeaux – Aline Barlet, Audrey Bousigues, Alice Herbert, pp. 18-24; 
    • Colour design of textile architectural envelopes: an initial study – Alessandro Premier, pp. 25-31;
    • Emerging colours: new trends, demands and challenges in contemporary urban environments – Beichen Yu, Simon Bell, pp. 32-39;
    • Color analysis of birth space ambiances – Ichraf Aroua, Faten Hussein, pp. 40-47;
    • An educational experience about color emotion and its design implications – Cristina Boeri, pp. 48-56;
    • Color Lab IFRJ: practical color exercises for fashion courses – Milena Quattrer, Welton Fernando Zonatti, Anna Paula Silva Gouveia, pp. 57-62;
    • Does chromatic lightness have an impact on the perceived odor of Brazilian perfumes? – Camila Assis Peres Silva, Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli, pp. 63-74;
    • Ceramic products and their chromatic ‘DNA’ markers – Carla Lobo, pp. 75-81; 
    • Approaching ecological ambiguity through a non-divisionary understanding of colour in art – Yulia Kovanova, pp. 82-88.



Verena M. Schindler, pp. 89-92.

The column includes reviews of three books addressing colour in urban and architectural design: 

    1. Jean-Philippe Lenclos: Painter & Designer (2017);
    2. Colour Strategies in Architecture (2015); and,
    3. Farbraum Stadt: Farbkultur in Winterthur (2019).

Verena M. Schindler, Art and Architectural Historian, Zollikon, Switzerland
Yulia A. Griber, Smolensk State University, Smolensk, Russia
Co-Chairs of the Study Group on Environmental Colour Design

Karolina Białobłocka, pp. 9-17